Category Archives: Quilts, quilting, applique

Brown and Teal

Mimbres, which means “willows” in Spanish, is the name given to a cottonwood- and willow-lined river in southwestern New Mexico. The very spectacular pottery found in and around the Mimbres Valley also came to be called Mimbres, and the name was soon applied to the people who made the pottery.  Michelle Hegmon & Margaret Nelson



The block pattern for this quilt is “Star of Destiny” published in 1906 in Practical Needlework for Clara Stone.  The applique in the upper left is a stylistic representation of large animals adapted from Mimbres pottery design.  The lower right design is a circ. 1920, from pottery in the middle Mimbres river area and represents whirlwinds.

The quilt is 56″by 56″.  Fabric is commercial batiks.  It is hand quilted and hand appliqued.  Finished in 2016


Filed under Quilts, quilting, applique, Uncategorized

Bridges of Madison County

“The human heart has a way of making itself large again even after it’s been broken into a million pieces.”
― Robert James Waller, The Bridges of Madison County

I just made a trip back to Iowa to bury my parents. Life must go on. On the way home we visited Winterset, Iowa, childhood home of John Wayne, home of Fons and Porter and the area of the “Bridges of Madison County”.


The wall hanging reminds me of my parents that loved to watch the birds in the feeders right out the window at their table.

The pattern is from “Painted Appliqué” by Linda Poole. I’ve been having fun with the Derwent Inktense pencils. The piece uses machine and hand appliqué and is hand quilted.


Filed under Quilts, quilting, applique