Category Archives: charity

More Quilt Tops for Charity

“Where there is charity and wisdom, there is neither fear nor ignorance.”  St Francis of Assisi


Our state quilt guild is making quilts for children in foster care that have little chance of being adopted.  They often have nothing of their own.  The guild would like to give bed size quilts to these children so that they have something to call their own.  My local chapter met on a Saturday to start work on some quilts for this project.  We had fabric donated from members and from a local quilt shop.  There was a huge piece of the yellow/gold plaid that one of my friends affectionately referred to as Archie Bunkers chair fabric.  I grabbed that and a big stack of outdoor themed 6 1/2 inch squares and went to work.  We decided to focus our attention on 7-14 year old boys.   This first quilt had outdoor themed fabrics including feathers, kokpelli’s and quilt a few oranges and browns.  I chose a coyote howling at the moon to adorn this one with.

bear mooseThe second had a camping theme with bears and moose.  The fabric included more greens and burgundies.  A friend had stencils for bears at the top and moose at the bottom.

owlThe last were 6 1/2 inch squares of what was left and still some Archie Bunker fabric.  I chose an owl and animal prints for this one.

And best of all, there was only about 3 inches of the yellow/gold fabric left!






Filed under charity, quilting, quilts

Fibonacci sequence and quilting

“It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.”
Mother Teresa

The quilt guild that I belong to is very involved in making quilts and other items for charity.  We support several local non profits – Family Promise, YWCA, school districts needy program, provide quilts for police officer and fire vehicles for frightened children.  We have local businesses that donate fabric and also have individuals that donate to our group.  I recently went “shopping” at the guild’s stash and picked up several yards of fabric to make some quilts.

I have been wanting to try out a quilt designed around the Fibonacci sequence.  1, 2, 3, 5, 8.  These probably weren’t the most ideal fabrics, but the process was still fun and creative.  I carried the 2 and 3 over into the border also.




The top is 55×72 inches and was machine pieced.  I still have several yards of these fabrics left, so I will have to devise a way to put them together!


Filed under charity, fibonacci, quilting, quilting design, quilts